Material Handling Trays
We Offer Custom Thermoforming Solutions
Dealing with multiple manufacturing sites is a challenge for all companies in today’s competitive environment. Insuring that your product arrives at the next destination clean and intact is a large part of that challenge.
Key Packaging designs and produces material handling trays for manufacturing industries, including: Automotive, Injection Molding and Automation. Our staff of highly skilled and trained designers will work through all phases of rapid packaging development in order to ensure the best packaging design and material selection for your material handling needs. We use recycled and recyclable materials, thus promoting sustainable packaging.
Plastic packaging trays may be designed to package multiple product profiles, easing inventory while providing the best protection for your product. We have many customers who use ONE plastic packaging tray for multiple components.
Why not talk to us today about your individual requirements, and give our rapid packaging development design staff the opportunity to offer you our custom thermoforming solutions?